Hello has you
here is a board that some of enter you will have already seen on my other blog, but here I start the project and small concern, I am in lack of documentation, then I benefit from it to launch a call, I seek photographs or site which would document me on America of the Fifty, photographs of street, city, interior of house (rooms, etc…) costume of cop and others.here, thank you has those which will have the kindness to inform me.
In a friendly way
Bonjour a vous
voilà une planche que certains d'entres vous auront déjà vu sur mon autre blog, mais voilà je demarre le projet et petit soucis, je suis en manque de documentation, alors j'en profite pour lancer un appel, je cherche des photos ou site qui me documenterait sur l'amerique des année 50, photos de rue, ville, interieur de maison (chambres, etc...) costume de flic et autres.
voilà, merci a ceux qui auront la gentillesse de me renseigner.
12 commentaires:
buuuf, i really like this page!
wordeful! i like so much tension and sadness of the sequence.
What a beautyfull page.
Fantastic pencil work thierry.I like the point of view you are using.greetings!
avez vous deja cherchee la site corbis.com?
il y a un option pour cherchee en francais aussi... Bien, je ne peut pas trouvee des images des 50, mais peut-etre vous serait plus chanceux...
wow, fantastic!
Chouette ambiance, belles couleurs et super cadrage. ça promet !
merci a vous et merci a ceux qui m'ont envoyés des liens vers des sites intèressant.
wonderful works !!! thanks !!!
I discover your works very recently while browsing through sites of French comics publishers.
One Bd preview on Delcourt editions site caught my eye so I checked if there is more of that artist called Thierry Martin. When I find this blog I was thrilled to find out even better pages and illustration than that lovely comic with animal characters.
Beautiful drawings, interesting characters, wonderful compositions with very smart use of empty spaces, excellent colors, both beautiful watercolors and clean and simple digital colors, very imaginative concepts of fantasy worlds, in one word very inspiring.
I’m always excited when discover some good artist especially if he is of artistic sensibility similar to my own.
I was about to put some comments on this blog but I didn’t done that immediately and I was pleasantly surprised and flattered to discover that you already post one comment on my blog with compliments for my drawing.
Merci beaucoup Thierry!
Sasha Arsenic
SO beautiful.
thank you.;)
Greetings from Finland!
You are absolutely fantastic drawer and colourist. This picture is great colour working. Hope we get your comics published allso in here.
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